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Key Lime Cupcakes

I decided to be rebellious this week. I made cupcakes…in January. Not just cupcakes in January, but cupcakes at the beginning of January- a mere 10 days from then date when most of us made resolutions to be healthy and eat more veggies. Why you ask? Why is she posting this delicious looking cupcake recipe when all I’ve had to eat for the last week is salad? The answer- because I am a firm believer that we all need a little sweet in our lives now and then…even on the 10th of January. Oh, and I also really like cupcakes. TAW73979
I tried to be nice about it though. This recipe has been given a complete health make over, and while not comparable to say a handful of carrot sticks or a bowl of kale soup, it’s far better for you than a twinkie or a bag of cheese puffs. Okay…so those were weird comparisons. What I am trying to say is that eating one of these cupcakes will not undo all the good you’ve done in the last 10 days of salad eating. TAW73877
Here’s what I did so these cupcakes could pass the January health test. First, I replaced all the white flour with whole wheat pastry flour. Have you ever used this stuff? It’s amazing. All the benefits of whole wheat with out the heavy, chewy texture. I also cut the sugar from 1 1/2 cups to 2/3 of a cup. It seems like a large amount to cut out and I was a bit skeptical, especially since the recipe includes both lime juice and lime zest. I was pleasantly surprised though. When I first bit into one I was greeted by a mild sweetness that was balanced perfectly by a tangy burst of lime. Now that’s my kind of healthy! The final modification in this cupcake makeover was to replace one egg with ground flax meal. TAW73903
I am a HUGE fan of ground flax meal. I love to sprinkle it on and in everything. It’s a really easy way to get in those omega 3 that everyone is always talking about, and it has a mild enough flavor that you can add it to most anything without even noticing. Normally I just add a couple tablespoons to whatever I am making but with something light and delicate like cupcakes I was afraid it might mess with the balance and make them too dry. So when I came across this bit of advice for using it as an egg substitute I knew I had the answer. It’s really simple. For each egg you are replacing mix one tablespoon ground flax seed with 3 tablespoons of water. I only replaced one of the eggs that the recipe called for but it worked so well that next time I will try replacing both. There you have it- a healthier cupcake that you can eat even in January. TAW73923
But wait! I almost forgot about the frosting. What can you do to make cream cheese frosting more healthy? Hmmm…ditch it for something that isn’t comprised solely of cream cheese, butter and sugar. Yeah, that’s probably the right answer but I couldn’t bear to give it up. So what did I do? I cut the amount in half. Half the amount of frosting for the same amount of cupcakes. A perfect solution if you ask me. It was still enough frosting to give each cupcake a nice coating but not so much that it was piled up and spilling over the edges.

My final bit of advice for making guilt-free cupcakes- share them. I love to share my baked goods not only because it makes people happy when you show up at their house with cookies and cupcakes, but because it also means less for me to eat! TAW84007-2

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Pineapple Ginger Meatballs

Pineapple Ginger Meatballs
Are you ready for a confession? Okay, here it is… I am a BIG fan of meatballs. There, I said it. While I refuse to be ashamed.of this self-professed meatball love, deep down I can’t help feeling a little funny about it. I mean, these are balls of meat we’re talking about here. It’s not like when people say "I love chocolate”, or “I am crazy about pasta”. There’s nothing romantic, or exotic, or even remotely interesting about having a love of meatballs. I don’t care though. Call me a rebel if you must, but I like my meat in ball form. And I like my meatballs with lots of savory bits tucked inside and smothered with a chunky sauce.
Did you know that I only found out a few years ago that you could buy pre-made meatballs in the store? Really, it’s true. One of the first meals I remember my mom teaching me how to make was home made spaghetti and meatballs, so I guess for a long time I assumed that everyone made their own meatballs. I still don’t understand why everyone doesn’t. The problem with store bought meatballs is that they are just that…balls of meat. Where’s the flavor? Where’s the chopped onion and garlic? What about the fresh herbs? A meatball that’s only meat is just so…boring.
Not these guys though. Loaded with fresh ginger and jalapeno these meatballs are practically bursting with flavor. And I haven’t even mentioned the sauce yet. Okay…so it’s technically not a sauce in the true sense of the word, but a stellar meatball topping if I ever saw one. Fresh pineapple, dried apricots, red onion and a bit more ginger. Serve over couscous and top it off with almonds, scallions and a drizzle of toasted sesame oil- now that’s what I call a meatball! So put down that boring frozen ball of meat, gather your ingredients and make some meatballs. Cause this world needs more people who share the meatball love.

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Mixed Greens with Grapefruit, Avocado & Citrus Vinaigrette


I think I have a grapefruit problem. Seriously. Right now we have seven grapefruits in our house…yes, seven. Why so many you ask? Well, I would love to say that I am lucky enough to live somewhere warm and have a lovely little grapefruit tree in my backyard, but the truth is nothing like that. Side note: it’s 9º outside right now- a bit chilly for grapefruits I would say. So, since I am not plucking them from my backyard, why would I willingly go out and purchase seven at one time?TAW13698 I wouldn’t, I swear. Okay…maybe I did buy a few, but only four or so. They were on sale, and I mean really on sale, for like .79 each!  So I buy a few grapefruits, we eat some and I buy a few more. Then Christmas comes and Santa leaves them in the bottom of stockings (he does this every year…coming from the north pole and all he knows where it’s at – us northerners need our vitamin C in the winter). Just when I thought we might manage to eat them all- we even had grapefruit for dessert one night- my mom gave me four more that my grandmother sent from Florida. Ahhh…grapefruit are taking over my kitchen!TAW13664
I know, I know, this is really not the worst problem one could have and I shouldn’t be complaining. Actually, all kidding aside, I am not complaining because I really like grapefruit. I am generally a fan of anything that has a tanginess to it, and I am also in favor of really juicy fruits (like peaches that dribble down your chin when you take a bite) so grapefruits are right up my alley. The problem is that there seems to be a limit to how many ways you can eat a grapefruit. You really can’t bake with them, unless you just use the juice but that seems wasteful. You can’t make a stew out of them, or throw them in stir fry or soup. After wracking my brain for awhile I decided that since grapefruit are best eaten in their natural and raw form, that is peeled and sliced, I would add them to the dish that celebrates this very culinary style- salad.TAW13739
Hmm…but what else goes with a grapefruit that would be good in salad? Avocado! And how about a bit of spicy chicken for protein. Drizzle with grapefruit and lemon vinaigrette and accompany with a thick piece of bread topped with melted cheese, and there you have it – a complete grapefruit meal.TAW13771
I choose to keep this salad pretty simple on purpose. I really wanted the grapefruit to be the center of the dish and I didn’t want to clutter it up with lots of other ingredients. I thought about adding chunks of sweet red pepper, thin slices of cucumber and red onion, or a bit of crumbled feta cheese. But in the end I stuck with just mixed greens, avocado, chicken and grapefruit. Maybe you like your salad more crowded than me though… go ahead it’s okay, add whatever you want because in the end it’s the vinaigrette that really steals the show. TAW13743
We had to keep eating salad for days just so we could consume more of this awesome vinaigrette. I think I need to make another batch just to keep around the house. Good thing I have plenty grapefruits.TAW13708


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